Sunday, May 30, 2010


We're about a week away from flying out of Texas. How exciting! I've been shopping for craft supplies, reading for lessons, and journaling for thoughts in order to prepare for this trip. It's going to be a great trip and I pray that we will be able to get more accomplished than what we can ever imagine possible. I am most excited for all of the time that I will be spending with the girls in the youth group. I cannot wait to see where our relationships go, and how deeply they become rooted to God and to eachother.

I am close to tears when I think of being reunited with friends that I have been waiting a whole year to see. I cannot wait for them to see my growth, my struggles and my faith through it all. I want to hear about everything that I've missed and I want to be strong in telling them why I came back. Not for them, but for what I have to give them; that is the knowledge and understanding of a God who is All Powerful.
A lesson I have recently re-learned.

I feel that the testimony that I will have to share with them is going to be so much more than it was the last time I was there. I want to make sure that they see how easily our faith is changed when it is so shallowly planted.
All in all, I'm ecstatic, and I hope you enjoy reading about all the wonderful things that are going to be done there this summer.

Farewell friends!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

In the Beginning...

Hello to all, zero readers, of this currently new blog. I figured I'll post up one lil' ol thing before the ball gets to rollin'. I am a few weeks away from flying to Latvia. I'll be keeping you posted on meetings that happen in between now and the departure date.
So far this is what I know about the work that two other interns (Thomas and Landry) and myself will be doing while in Latvia this summer.

We are planning to work with kid's day camps once a week, for six weeks. We hope to have good games, bible study, music and maybe even dancing while we're there working with the younger kids of Cesis. We will also be working with youth from the city, the guys will probably do some "guy stuff" and us ladies will get together once a week or so to cook, watch movies and bible study! At least this is my hope.

We are also going to do some traveling while there, to the beach, the capital etc. As far as I know we will also be campers in a youth camp or two while we're there. I am excited to be working with friends that I made the last time I was there! I'm even more excited to have the opportunity to be there long enough to really share myself, my story and the word of God. The combination of these three things, and the amount of time I'll be there will hopefully allow for a softness of heart from the young people in Latvia.

I can't wait to be there and I hope you'll tag along (via blog) to enjoy the trip with me!
