Wednesday, July 28, 2010

We'll Make an Adventure of it!

When I came to Latvia... I was completely different. And I do mean completely.

My intention for the trip was never for a "self-help" Summer. Actually, quite the opposite. I was considering not coming because of the state of emotional destruction my heart was in. I wasn't sure that I would be able to tell people about God's love if I couldn't even say that I REALLY believed in it. I remember this one conversation I had with a friend before coming. She told me "Don't even begin to believe that lie! You were made to go there. Your heart was made to tell about love. It is just... who you are." For some reason or another, I listened to her. Of all the ignoring I have done in my lifetime this was a moment I slipped up. I listened. I can not say "thank you" enough to that person... I mean, really.

My whole time here has been like home for my spirit. Since the second I got here I knew that I was supposed to be here, that I am supposed to be here later. It's just something I know...

God has been able to use my story, my life, (good and bad) for things I never thought possible. That's why He's God, and He is so much better at it than I was, back when I was trying to be.

My last full day in Cesis was today, and how incredible it was! We made an adventure of it. I went up in the church tower, higher than is allowed, but who will ever know? (...anyone who reads this.) After that Marta took me to this old graveyard, and yes I suppose your average person would be like "greeaaat" but this really was so enjoyable! Such a beautiful place.
After that we walked down to the river and onto this really cool nature path. We drank from the spring, climbed up a cliff and into a cave, walked in water that was probably freezing temp. (not even kidding) and enjoyed the view from our little island.
We met up with everyone and then just got to relax and enjoy each other's company. It was the best way for me to say "I love you" to everyone. By just sitting with them and laughing and talking about things that don't matter. We've got the silly pictures to prove it!

All this goes to say that I am so much more "Amanda" now. I plan to keep it this way, I like who I am when I'm trusting God instead of myself. I do more daring things, I say more daring things, and I love like there is no tomorrow. What better way to live than living in His presence?
Weeks ago I wanted to be able to say "My chains are gone, I've been set free" and mean it... and here it is.

My chains are GONE, and I have been set free.
I mean every word of that.

1 comment:

  1. The only bad thing about being in Latvia, is leaving Latvia.
    I can think of the place and just feel such a sense of calm come over me. It is my favorite place. It has since I first stepped off of the bus and drug my suitcase from the bus stop over the railroad tracks to the Putnic Crogs. hm i do not think I spelled that right .
    I will go back. I think a piece of my heart remains there.
    Love you and so glad you got to stay for so long.
    Can't wait to hug you when you return
