Saturday, June 26, 2010

Cold Water

There is nothing that makes you feel more alive than swimming in cold water. I mean, seriously.... the feeling of the ice cold water draped around your skin, is A. shocking but B. life changing; an underestimated experience in my opinion. Today and a couple days ago I had the opportunity to jump in some ICE cold water. I'm talking, Baltic Sea cold. And what did I do other than the "Amanda thing" and jump right in. Yes, I know sometimes I'm careful, but when it comes to those 'little things' why worry?

My first opportunity to dive in was Thursday at lake Ungurs. It was a cold and cloudy day, and about 60 degrees. What better swimming weather... right? The second time was the Baltic sea! I was standing there on the Latvia boarder playing around on the rocks, and sure enough I fall in. On the Estonian side. So, I can safely say that I have fallen into a country... and then swam back to Latvia. Quite a simple adventure.

The funny thing about cold water, to me, is that you either get used to it or you shut down. Those are your two options. Our faith can be related similarly. When you dive into what ever it is God has planned for you to do, there will probably be those things you'll have to do that will make you uncomfortable. Speaking.. that's my thing. I've got this absolute fear of it, doesn't matter if I know everything about my topic or not. But I realize it as a small little trick to prevent me from doing these AMAZING things for God. Today I was walking back to the flat from the store and I saw one of the girls who had gone to our kids camp last week and she had two friends with her. I had two options, say hi, (dive in) and then leave (freak out about how cold it is and then run to shore.)
OR I could get over this irrational fear of speaking to a stranger and invite the two kids to come to kids camp on Monday. I went with option two, and I'm proud of it. I swam.

I don't know if they will come or not, but they were asked to come, and told that someone was looking forward to them being there. So, that's my tid-bit. That's what I was thinking about while I was swimming in absolutely cold water. Why let it prevent me from doing something that makes me feel so alive, even with the intense amount of cold? Exactly. "Don't."

So think about what you probably have heard since you were 4 years-old. "Jump on in! The waters great!"

Immerse yourself.
goodnight and sweet dreams!

P.S. (pictures from our trip!)

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